Game overview - Fort Zombie (v1.07
Fort Zombie is back!
A return to popular demand, the leading classic Indian cult game that started the modern survival genre of zombies: Fort Zombie.
“We have one chance. Find a strong place and band together to build our defenses. Collect supplies, arm ourselves to fight and save as many lives as possible. We reclaim our city, our lives, our world from a dark and hungry.
That wave will destroy this town like a tsunami and it will take the last one of us with them unless we resist. ''
Note: This game is an original legacy code from 2009, released specifically for players who wanted to access it.
Warning: No more updates planned for this version of (Fort Zombie).
Fort Zombie was released in 2009 as a match without genre: no one has ever tried this combination of game mechanics before! It is a range center, single-player rpg block and survival strategy title through a zombie apocalypse saga.
Download the great action and RPG game Fort Zombie (v1.07) with direct links divided by fabulously fast servers and a torrent link exclusively on
Main foods
Choose one of three school buildings, prison, and police station as your fortress zombie, each one with its own strengths and weaknesses!
Real-time action and combat keep tension high as they try to hit targets before your ammo, food, or luck runs out!
Dozens of zombie species, some of them with special abilities derived from their lives, half remembered before they were not dead!
Piety, Indiana, a variable 3D city created using Kerberos’Mix and match tile system, for maximum replayability. Physx Engine Adds to Mayhem!
Game info - Fort Zombie (v1.07).
- Game developer: Kerberos Productions
- Game publisher: Kerberos Productions
- Release date for the game: 30 Oct, 2009
- Game type: Action, RPG